Knowing When to Say When

Benjamin Fry
1 min readDec 17, 2020

As I think about the reading I was doing in the book by Jerry Bridges I come to a realization that there is a serious problem among Christians with saying “no” to certain things. I put myself into this category. Now, I also think the reverse is true, we have a hard time saying “yes” to things also.

In chapters 11–13 of Bridges’ Respectable Sins book I read of pride, selfishness and self-control. There are so much of all three of those sins among fellow believers today. These sins are hit both popular and average Christian alike. I remember when I was younger I dealt with pride as I attended christian school and other teens attended public school. I felt better than them economically and socially and I believe there is some of that to some extent going on today. That is a shame that young people and adults still feel like they have the right to look down on someone when those people we look down on could be us by the grace of God. It might very well have been pride that cost our current president Donald Tump the election. He was so confident that he would win that he did not consider loosing. I know he looked down at the former vice president as a person not his equal. When we put ourselves above someone and don’t consider God in the equation then there will be trouble brewing.

